6 Tips to Feel Beautiful WITHOUT Makeup!
Hello! My name is Christie Caiola and I’m an NYC Celebrity Makeup Artist/Hair Stylist turned Intimate Portrait Photographer. I worked in the industry for 12 years before jumping over to photography. My brand is called Silk + Audacity, where I celebrate all the parts of women- the soft, delicate, bold, badass, and everything in between.
While I acknowledge that there’s more to life than these superficial things, sometimes it’s the little things that get us through the monotony of our daily lives. So, here are some little ways to put down the makeup brushes and let our skin breathe while still feeling fresh and beautiful!
Eyebrows. Your eyebrows frame your face. Keeping your eyebrows shaped will go a long way. I’m a big fan of natural brows and low maintenance, so finding a shape that will allow you to save some time and money on constantly plucking, waxing, etc by keeping it close to your natural shape is incredible. Plus, what’s better than embracing what you already have? Furthermore, don’t underestimate the power of a little trim. It can transform your brows in just one little step and make you feel a bit more polished. Add a little brush up with a disposable mascara wand (or the brush at the end of some brow pencils) and it’s kind of on par with brushing your hair. Simple, but effective.
Stefanie T - 2020
2. Wash your face. Literally, the act of washing your face has more benefits than just skin deep (pun intended). It’s a small ritual that should be a part of your daily routine. Make sure you are using products that are nourishing and healthy for your skin, rather than sapping the natural oils completely out. But even beyond the physical benefits, this simple act starts and ends your day with a little “me” time. It is a subconscious reminder to yourself to clear away the toxins of the day/night and start completely fresh. Besides, your skin is the base to all your makeup. Without a strong base, you could have the best makeup in the world and it won’t look as great as healthy skin does!
3. Drink Water. I know, I put this one in all my lists. But it’s true. Hydrate from the inside out, fill your body with beautiful, natural h2o. The liquid that our body so desperately needs yet we so rarely give it (if you’re anything like me, at least). It fuels our organs and clears our brains and we owe it to our body to give it this simple, lovely fluid (and no, coffee doesn’t count). As long as you are drinking enough water, your kidneys are able to cleanse and rid your body of toxins. So help those kidneys out! https://www.webmd.com/diet/features/6-reasons-to-drink-water#3
4. Lip balm - There’s a theme here: hydration. Plump, supple skin, lips, and brain! A quality lip balm will hydrate your lips and give your whole face a nice juicy glow. It’s a simple, inexpensive little addition to your daily routine. Now, I’m about to blow your mind. When I had my son in February 2012, almost 9 years ago now, I had a pretty serious discovery. While breastfeeding, I was introduced to this nipple ointment that was meant to heal and soothe cracked nipples. If you’re unfamiliar with breastfeeding, I’ll tell you that the constant moisture and friction can cause some pretty painful situations (I will never apologize for oversharing, it’s just who I am). Anyway, it occurred to me that our lips were experiencing something almost identical. I realized what causes our lips to be cracked, dry, and sometimes bloody in the winter is pretty similar to what our nipples experience during breastfeeding. So I began to use this same ointment on my lips as a balm and NEVER LOOKED BACK. It HEALED. The only lip balm I’ve ever used that has ever healed my chapped lips, rather than just putting a coat of gloss over top only for it to wear off and be left with the same chapped, dry lips. Call me crazy if you want, or try it for yourself. Since then, I added it to my makeup kit as an absolute essential and probably should have received a commission on how many people I’ve gotten addicted to this stuff. https://www.amazon.com/Lansinoh-Lanolin-Breastfeeding-Soothing-Essentials/dp/B005MI648C/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=lanolin&qid=1596052830&sr=8-2
Jenna Langhans - 2020
5. Blow your hair out. Let us not underestimate the value of a solid blow out. You can get days out of that style (with a little care and dry shampoo, duh). I always feel more put together when the frizz is under control and my hair is properly loved on.
6. NOW BELIEVE IT. Okay, here’s the hardest one of all. You have to truly, honestly, see yourself as beautiful. You don’t NEED to do or be anything except yourself. You are required to show up in life, exactly as you are. Stop comparing your beauty to the beauty of others and don’t believe the lie that for one to be beautiful it devalues the other. I have worked with models who are stunning without photoshop or makeup and while I know I look nothing like them, I can also know that their beauty doesn’t subtract from mine. I can celebrate theirs while honoring my own. They are women, beautiful women. And so am I. And so are you. We look differently, we think differently, we love differently and we each take up space on this earth for a different purpose. Your beauty isn’t dependent upon anyone else’s or anyone else’s idea of what beauty is.
So look in the mirror, drink some water, wash your face, brush your brows, put some lip balm on, blow your hair out and tell yourself… I’m beautiful.
Or better yet, trash this whole list and tell yourself this:
“I’m more than my outward appearance. I’m more than what society expects me to be and to look like. I can still enjoy those things, while knowing they don’t make me valuable.
I am here, I have value, and I’m beautiful.”