The Number One Reason Women DON'T Book A Boudoir Session
I did a poll a little while ago asking women what stops them from booking a session. Can you guess what the number one response was?
The number one thing stopping women from booking a session was that they felt like they had to lose weight first.
I’m sure you’re not shocked, to be honest I wasn’t really either. But no matter how common a response, it will never not be gut wrenching to hear.
Why do you only feel worthy of capturing, preserving, and celebrating yourself when you’re at some ideological weight or cultural beauty standard? When you get to the end of your life will you think “Thank god I don’t have any pictures of myself in my 30’s since I didn’t fit the beauty standard I’ve locked on to in my head”?
I hope if that is the only reason you have avoided me this long that you will dig up that thought process out of the dark crevices it resides and pull it all apart. Unravel it piece by piece until it has no more hold on you.
If neglected, these thoughts, like weeds in a garden, grow like vines that thrive on the insidious influence of the world around you. They are so persistent they begin to strangle the beautiful flowers you’ve spent your life toiling over until self hatred and shame is all that is left.
But not for you. You will destroy these thoughts at the roots. You will dig them up and clear your heart and soul from the burden it has placed upon you your entire life.
And at the end, you will see your hard work— a beautiful garden of self assuredness and confidence. Thriving in a mind full of peace rather than self aggression and settling into self love. Now, you can spend the rest of your life in gentleness and kindness towards yourself and in turn giving hope to others around you struggling with their own deceitful weeds.
Then, if the end result of your hard work leads you to me, I will be waiting for you at the end of such a seemingly impossible task. I will meet you with grace and humility, knowing the war you just fought was a difficult and strenuous battle. One that some will go their whole lives and never claim victory over, despite a lifetime trying.